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Debugging hard-to-reproduce Ruby memory leaks

Memory leaks are some of the more annoying issues we run into in software engineering. In general, with any kind of software bug, it's always preferable if you can reproduce the problem under controlled, "laboratory-like" circumstances. With certain kinds of problems, this is really hard or almost impossible. Memory leaks tend to lean towards that category. They are not always so easy to reproduce, and it's not always so easy to understand the reason why your (seemingly sane) code is causing a leak. At the same time, they are very rewarding to track down because of the warm feeling you get inside once you figure out root the cause!

(This post was greatly inspired by Oleg Dashevskii's excellent post "How I spent two weeks hunting a memory leak in Ruby", hereafter called "Two Weeks". Thank you for teaching us all a lot about memory leak debugging in general, and Ruby-related leaks in particular, Oleg!)

The post is much longer than it ought to be; I have been fairly extensive in detailing all the steps. If you're only interested in the final conclusions, feel free to scroll right to the end. :smile:

So, I have a memory leak in one of my applications, or that's what it seems like. The memory graph looks like this at the moment (the server is running on Amazon's EC2 cloud-based hosting):

Memory graph, showing increased usage over time

The point where the memory usage dropped greatly is when I restarted the application. After that, it's been gradually increasing, with occasional drops as the garbage collector has been running, reclaiming some (but not all) memory that has been allocated over time. A very clear sign that something is indeed leaking.

This application used to work well, with no need for systematic restarts or anything (unlike some other applications I know). What we did some months ago was move it from running on JRuby to MRI. That means that some Java-based Ruby extensions has now been replaced with C-based extensions, where there could theoretically be a new, unknown leak.

I looked into this a few weeks ago, and actually did manage to find a leak in the MongoDB Ruby driver via the use of the Ruby gem heapy, which btw is a great suggestion if you like me are getting started with Ruby heap analysis and memory leak debugging, but don't know where to start.

So, I set up a workaround for that in the affected application, but unfortunately this was not enough. As evidenced by the graph above, the leak prevails. What to do next?

Trying to figure out whether the leak is in Ruby code or a C extension

An important piece of information I learned when analyzing the Mongo leak mentioned earlier in this post was ObjectSpace tracing (via Sam Safrron's blog post) and heap dumping in Ruby. I added a .rb resource in my application that would start the tracing:

require 'objspace'


Then I added another .rb resource which I could just make a GET request towards, to collect the tracing and dump it to a file:

file ='/tmp/dump.json', 'w')

# Run the GC before dumping, to get better data.

ObjectSpace.dump_all(output: file)

I would then transfer this file to my local computer to be able to run the heapy analysis on it. Unfortunately, in this case, the heap dump looks fairly reasonable (this dump was generated yesterday):

$ heapy read dump.json

Analyzing Heap
Generation:  nil object count: 140135
Generation:   50 object count: 111
Generation:   51 object count: 493
Generation:   52 object count: 6
Generation:   53 object count: 262
Generation:   66 object count: 500
Generation:   67 object count: 6194
Generation:   68 object count: 16062
Generation:   69 object count: 48074
Generation:   70 object count: 257
Generation:   71 object count: 2229
Generation:   72 object count: 2
Generation:   73 object count: 3
Generation:   74 object count: 8
Generation:   77 object count: 196
Generation:   78 object count: 1
Generation:   88 object count: 23
Generation:  107 object count: 7
Generation:  158 object count: 3
Generation:  194 object count: 8
Generation:  216 object count: 17
Generation:  224 object count: 97
Generation:  225 object count: 8
Generation:  227 object count: 2040
Generation:  241 object count: 44
Generation:  242 object count: 8
Generation:  283 object count: 36
Generation:  401 object count: 7
Generation:  404 object count: 16
Generation:  405 object count: 77
Generation:  457 object count: 1
Generation:  470 object count: 36
Generation:  503 object count: 40
Generation:  511 object count: 21
Generation:  825 object count: 28
Generation: 1170 object count: 16
Generation: 1713 object count: 20
Generation: 1804 object count: 1
Generation: 2161 object count: 16
Generation: 2313 object count: 1
Generation: 2355 object count: 28
Generation: 2356 object count: 4
Generation: 2391 object count: 1
Generation: 2393 object count: 22
Generation: 2417 object count: 1
Generation: 2418 object count: 6
Generation: 2423 object count: 1
Generation: 2425 object count: 6
Generation: 2427 object count: 44
Generation: 2428 object count: 7
Generation: 2429 object count: 108
Generation: 2430 object count: 756
Generation: 2431 object count: 23

Sure, we have some objects retained over GC generations, but still, it doesn't look that bad. I mean, if we have sometimes 300 generations or more running (825-1170, 1170-1713, 1804-2161) without any object retained, it doesn't like we have a huge problem here. This indicates to me that the main source of the leak is probably not on the Ruby side. The dump is also fairly small (65 MiB), and I have a feeling that it ought to be greater in this case (where the process is already using something like 1500 MiB or so).

After restarting the process, to avoid running into problems in production, then continuing to let it grow a bit in size, I looked again. The memory usage for the process right now looks like this:

$ ps -fe | grep :8000 | grep -v grep
9999     31932  3108  0 07:16 ?        00:01:56 puma 3.9.1 (tcp:// [46]
$ ps -eo pid,rss | grep 31932
31932 793952 between 750 and 800 megabytes of memory.

Alright, but can we get some info on how large the actual Ruby heap is for this process? To see if it is memory that has been allocated from Ruby or elsewhere.

I read, but couldn't find any really clear explanation on how to determine the total heap size of a Ruby program. I learned that you can get a Hash like this by calling GC.stat:

  "count": 1697,
  "heap_allocated_pages": 1575,
  "heap_sorted_length": 2243,
  "heap_allocatable_pages": 0,
  "heap_available_slots": 641972,
  "heap_live_slots": 520807,
  "heap_free_slots": 121165,
  "heap_final_slots": 0,
  "heap_marked_slots": 392645,
  "heap_eden_pages": 1575,
  "heap_tomb_pages": 0,
  "total_allocated_pages": 2378,
  "total_freed_pages": 803,
  "total_allocated_objects": 136080650,
  "total_freed_objects": 135559843,
  "malloc_increase_bytes": 49880,
  "malloc_increase_bytes_limit": 33554432,
  "minor_gc_count": 1597,
  "major_gc_count": 100,
  "remembered_wb_unprotected_objects": 1505,
  "remembered_wb_unprotected_objects_limit": 2564,
  "old_objects": 389433,
  "old_objects_limit": 444254,
  "oldmalloc_increase_bytes": 61983056,
  "oldmalloc_increase_bytes_limit": 91991565

Still, this didn't give me an immediate value of the total size of the heap. This StackOverflow post hinted that heap_sorted_length * 408 * 40 would give me the total heap, in bytes, so by dividing that with 1048576 I would get the total size in MiB.

That gives me, at the moment, the following:

2.4.1 :002 > (2243 * 408 * 40)/1048576
 => 34

Hmm. 34 megabytes. But we saw that the total resident size here is about 750 megabytes. It seems like the leak could perhaps be in an extension after all.

Now, it was time to try and reproduce the problem locally. To do this, I took a similar approach as in Two Weeks: to gather a collection of (idempotent, ideally) GET URLs from the production server logs. The logs weren't in the exact right format though, so I had to pipe them through a little awk script to get them into a usable shape.

Inconclusive logs because of Silverlight client

Here I ran into problems: I could easily get the request paths, being able to construct valid URLs, but the client in this case is an older Silverlight application that we haven't yet managed to replace with something else. And as some of you might know, HTTP requests generated by a Silverlight client are always sent as an HTTP POST request, with the X-Method header set to the real HTTP method (GET, DELETE, etc). This also has the consequence that the request parameters are not transmitted in the request URL, but are instead encoded in an HTTP POST body. Ergo: they are not logged in the server logs... This made it a lot harder to triage this, since many of the REST resources used by the application were using parameters.

I decided to keep things simple. How about using some "divide and conquer" strategy here. Let's divide the problem into two halves:

There was a simple API endpoint in the app that was called Ping. It's whole GET handler was this method body:

  response: 'Pong'

So: no external dependencies, no Trello, no MongoDB, no nothing. If this resource would indeed be leaking, it would mean that the problem is most likely in the core of the application server itself. I started the server and looked at the initial memory consumption (using the same strategy as above). The RSS was about 55 MiB.

I then initiated the siege call:

$ siege -v -c 15 http://localhost:8000/api/Ping

...and let it run for 10 minutes. It increased a bit, but not significantly enough. In other words, it didn't seem to give me any clues as to what was leaking.

OK, let's try with some other parts of the application instead. I went back to the list of URLs I had and excluded the Ping endpoint from it. I tried to find resources with a low number of external dependencies (the app uses MongoDB and Trello, and the Trello API is rate-limited). I can start mocking the Trello calls with VCR and/or webmock, but since I lost all the parameters it's easier for me to start with just hitting one or a few URLs (since I'll have to recreate the URL parameters manually).

I took out a list of the most commonly used URLs:

# cat /var/log/syslog | grep " GET " | awk '{ print $14 }'  | grep -v Ping | sort | uniq -c | sort -n --reverse
    855 /api/WeeklyFlex
    477 /api/Flex
    424 /api/UserTrelloBoards
    424 /api/TrelloBoards
    377 /api/OpenTimesheets
     17 /api/TrelloCardsInDevelopment
     11 /api/Timesheet
      4 /api/TrelloBoard
      2 /api/Users
      2 /api/User
      2 /api/Efforts

The WeeklyFlex and Flex resources seemed like good candidates to start with. They were also good in the sense that they did not have any Trello dependency, only MongoDB. So let's continue our investigation by siegeing these REST resources a bit:

$ siege -v -c 3 -f urls.txt

(15 simultaneous clients hammering the server turned out to be too much for the connection pooling settings in use here.)

I once again started looking at the RSS for the process, and it seemed actually to have been started to leak now. Memory usage was first 168428 KiB, then after a while 200672, then later again 201036. But there it seemed to stop. Hmm??? 🤔

I looked at the heap_live_slots. 699981 first. 969132 later. This is interesting: could it actually be that we have a memory leak on the Ruby side of the world after all? If we didn't, we should not see increasing values here. The heap slots being used by Ruby should stay more or less constant over time.

I decided it was time to draw a nice graph to get an overview of this, once again inspired by Dashevskii. The figures weren't that easy to interpret right now, so a picture would hopefully make things a bit clearer.

I added the gc_tracer gem, just like in Two Weeks, to get more data for the benchmark. Then I started the tracing.

I looked at the processing times for HTTP requests, and they were honestly quite depressing. It felt like things got worse over time, even more than would be expected. But even upon startup, the times for these "should-be" quite simple Ruby resources weren't that impressing. I mean, seriously. Gathering some data from a MongoDB database and producing a result, "how hard can that be"? Of course, if the Mongo database lacks the proper indexes (which can very well be the case here), it will be slower than it ought to be. If the code is less efficient because it uses a poor algorithm, that doesn't make things better, and I think this can well be the case here.

The problem with the HTTP requests being slow here was that the siege execution didn't really make very many HTTP requests, since each request took literally seconds to respond to. Less than optimal if you want to stress-test your code under laboratory-like circumstances, but anyway, it was worth letting it run for a while so I left the machine on overnight.

Plotting the data to an image

I used the following gnuplot script; I couldn't make Oleg's script work right OOTB so had I to tweak the column it was taking its data from, set up a y2range etc. Here is the script (I took out a subset of the data to get it to look reasonable):

# Heavily based on the gnuplot script provided by Oleg Dashevskii here:
set xdata time
set timefmt '%s'
set format x '%H:%M'
set y2tics in
set y2label 'Kilobytes'
set ylabel 'Objects'
set y2range [0:1000000000]
set term png
set output "graph.png"

plot 'log/gc_converted.log' \
    using 2:25 \
    with lines \
    lc rgb 'red' \
    title columnhead, \
    '' \
    using 2:35 \
    with lines \
    lc rgb 'blue' \
    title columnhead \
    axes x1y2

This would give me a graph that looked like this:

Gnuplot image, #1

The red figure is the number of Ruby objects allocated. It looks pretty much like in Dashevskii's image.

The blue line is the RSS (Resident Set Size). The picture doesn't show it so clearly, but it was during the included hour and a half growing from 54 MiB to 236 MiB. As mentioned, I had left the machine on during the night, and during this time it grew to 264 MiB. It felt like the growing was "evening out". Too bad the HTTP resources in question were so incredibly slow; I think I would have gotten a better result if I would have been able to run more iterations during this time. (It was only 52168 hits during these hours, or around 1.44 transactions/second - very slow by any reasonable means.)

Investigating a false track: trivial Mongo querying

I wasn't quite pleased with the outcome of the stress testing yet, so I decided to make a simple .rb file that would do a trivial Mongo query, and then return, to be able to see if I could be able to handle many more requests per second, and hence perhaps also trigger the potential memory leak faster. Something like this (mongo is a method which grabs a connection from the MongoDB connection pool and yields it to the block passed to it):

mongo do |db|
  # The collection contains about 450 records. The result will be read, and then JSON serialized on every request.

Trivial indeed. With this kind of script, the execution for a single invocation would go down to just a few milliseconds, meaning I could hammer the server with many more requests per hour, hopefully provoking the leak.

I let it run overnight, but unfortunately, I was quite displeased with the result. The RSS only went up from 55 megabytes early on to 74 megabytes after this session:

Lifting the server siege...
Transactions:                 596895 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                 32111.03 secs
Data transferred:             1524.43 MB
Response time:                0.01 secs
Transaction rate:             18.59 trans/sec
Throughput:                   0.05 MB/sec
Concurrency:                  0.24
Successful transactions:      596895
Failed transactions:          0
Longest transaction:          0.69
Shortest transaction:         0.00

20 megabytes more being used after 600 000 requests. That's not a leak to me, it can be just as much "regular memory usage", more structures being allocated as the program was running etc. Perhaps the Ruby interpreter is also JITting some of the code, as one of my colleagues was suggesting the other day when we were discussing the leak. I don't know, I haven't studied the MRI internals to that extent. But anyway, to me, this is not evidence for a leak.

Another false track: Webmock leaking

I had to get back to the drawing board. Maybe it was now time to run the full set of requests, even though it would be a bit more work to set up with the VCR stubbing etc...

Said and done: I recreated a more complete list of URLs. It wasn't so many minutes of work after all. I set up VCR mocking, ran the requests once (to populate the VCR cassette), and then disabled all "live" HTTP requests to Trello (just to be 100% sure that no requests would start to be made). The record: :none flag is useful in this case.

Here are the results, after running 90 000 requests towards the server:

Gnuplot image, #2

This was interesting indeed, and a bit unexpected! The statistics clearly show that something is leaking here, but it seems to be very much on the Ruby side (since the red graph indicates that the number of Ruby objects are expanding). I strongly suspected VCR/Webmock would be the cause. Unfortunately, I hadn't enabled ObjectSpace tracing here, so I had to restart the process, enable tracing via the approach mentioned earlier in this blog post, and then re-start the siege once more...

I looked at the heapy dump, which seemed to unfortunately support the claim that Webmock was the source of the leak here (it was present in the list of High Ref Counts and object count, with high numbers, indicating that data wasn't able to be completely freed after requests). I would now have to choose between either a few different paths:

  1. Skip webmock and run towards the real Trello APIs. Not too cool, I wanted to avoid this path.
  2. Skip the specific HTTP REST resources which had a Trello dependency. This would make the test cases pretty much the same as I'd already tested (doing Mongo queries, albeit more sophisticated in this case), and verified to not be leaking.
  3. Go straight to the jemalloc debugging. :smile: It's quite likely that this is the route that I would end up having to take anyway, but since it was late at night, I chose #2 for now to let it run overnight, just to see if it would provoke the leak.

This time it looked like this:

Gnuplot image, #3

Maybe leaking somewhat (RSS size up to 129 megs, after 190 000 transactions), but at least not leaking on the Ruby side of the world.

The weekend was over and during it, I had to restart the production service once more, because the machine was down on its knees. I looked at the production server the day after to see how it's RSS and old_objects_limit was looking:

A bit high, but comparing with the graph, it looked it was still well within the "red area". No clear sign of any leak in Ruby code there.

Giving jemalloc a try

Now it was time to try the jemalloc track, again inspired by Two Weeks. I first compiled jemalloc from source:

$ autoconf
$ ./configure --enable-debug --enable-prof
$ make && sudo make install

(make install gave errors about doc file, which seems to be non-critical so I'm ignoring them for now.)

Then I compiled my own Ruby 2.4.1 with jemalloc enabled:

$ ./configure --with-jemalloc --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl --prefix=$HOME/ruby-2.4.1-dbg --disable-install-doc
$ make -j8 # to make it build a bit faster.
$ make install

Then I made this my default Ruby (rvm use system and prepended it to the PATH), and tried setting the MALLOC_CONF environment variable to get some more info on waht's going on. I ran some Ruby code. Absolutely nothing was printed.

After fiddling around for a while, it turned out that on OS X, the env variable is named JE_MALLOC_CONF by default. I also found that there was actually some built-in leak detection in jemalloc which seemed really promising. So I set it up like this:

$ export JE_MALLOC_CONF='prof_leak:true,narenas:1,stats_print:true,prof:true'

This would at least give me something when I shut down my program, which looked as a good start.

I first started our application server, without performing any requests. This is the output on shutdown:

___ Begin jemalloc statistics ___
Version: 5.0.1-25-gea91dfa58e11373748f747041c3041f72c9a7658
Assertions enabled
config.malloc_conf: ""
Run-time option settings:
  opt.abort: true
  opt.abort_conf: true
  opt.metadata_thp: false
  opt.retain: false
  opt.dss: "secondary"
  opt.narenas: 1
  opt.percpu_arena: "disabled"
  opt.dirty_decay_ms: 10000 (arenas.dirty_decay_ms: 10000)
  opt.muzzy_decay_ms: 10000 (arenas.muzzy_decay_ms: 10000)
  opt.junk: "true" false
  opt.tcache: true
  opt.lg_tcache_max: 15 true
  opt.prof_prefix: "jeprof"
  opt.prof_active: true ( true)
  opt.prof_thread_active_init: true (prof.thread_active_init: true)
  opt.lg_prof_sample: 19 (prof.lg_sample: 19)
  opt.prof_accum: false
  opt.lg_prof_interval: -1
  opt.prof_gdump: false
  opt.prof_final: false
  opt.prof_leak: true
  opt.stats_print: true
  opt.stats_print_opts: ""
Arenas: 1
Quantum size: 16
Page size: 4096
Maximum thread-cached size class: 32768
Allocated: 52968016, active: 57049088, metadata: 3003896, resident: 70508544, mapped: 73912320, retained: 0
                           n_lock_ops       n_waiting      n_spin_acq  n_owner_switch   total_wait_ns     max_wait_ns  max_n_thds
background_thread:                  0               0               0               0               0               0           0
ctl:                                3               0               0               1               0               0           0
prof:                            1134               0               0              18               0               0           0

assigned threads: 1
uptime: 5213946738
dss allocation precedence: disabled
decaying:  time       npages       sweeps     madvises       purged
   dirty: 10000         2549            1            6           32
   muzzy: 10000           32            0            0            0
                            allocated      nmalloc      ndalloc    nrequests
small:                       30341712       361691        94182       991059
large:                       22626304          734          357          734
total:                       52968016       362425        94539       991793
active:                      57049088
mapped:                      73912320
retained:                           0
base:                         2883184
internal:                      120712
tcache:                        290536
resident:                    70508544
                           n_lock_ops       n_waiting      n_spin_acq  n_owner_switch   total_wait_ns     max_wait_ns  max_n_thds
large:                             75               0               0               4               0               0           0
extent_avail:                    3956               0               0              54               0               0           0
extents_dirty:                   7364               0               5              85               0               0           0
extents_muzzy:                   2988               0               0              43               0               0           0
extents_retained:                2982               0               0              43               0               0           0
decay_dirty:                      105               0               0               3               0               0           0
decay_muzzy:                      103               0               0               3               0               0           0
base:                            3960               0               0              54               0               0           0
tcache_list:                       29               1               0              24           45621           45621           1
bins:           size ind    allocated      nmalloc      ndalloc    nrequests      curregs     curslabs regs pgs  util       nfills     nflushes     newslabs      reslabs   n_lock_ops    n_waiting   n_spin_acq  total_wait_ns  max_wait_ns
                   8   0       197024        29838         5210        49729        24628           53  512   1 0.907          350           75           57           43          527            0            0              0            0
                  16   1       302448        22719         3816        40224        18903           82  256   1 0.900          345           71           87           48          524            0            0              0            0
                  32   2      1393280        55072        11532       158805        43540          364  128   1 0.934          845          132          421          138         1471            0            0              0            0
                  48   3      2362512        67425        18206       162162        49219          219  256   3 0.877          733          198          233          537         1194            0            0              0            0
                  64   4      1423168        35288        13051       149591        22237          375   64   1 0.926          934          234          418         1143         1645            0            0              0            0
                  80   5      1417040        26970         9257        81486        17713           79  256   5 0.875          637          131           85          304          875            1            0          23449        23449
                  96   6      1944960        23998         3738        48500        20260          168  128   3 0.942          327           75          175          169          600            0            1              0            0
                 112   7       852320        10658         3048        18819         7610           32  256   7 0.928          431           85           36           83          572            0            0              0            0
                 128   8       755968        10443         4537        32145         5906          200   32   1 0.922          486          162          235          568         1668            0            0              0            0
                 160   9      2330080        16569         2006        56468        14563          118  128   5 0.964          477           66          122          109          685            0            0              0            0
                 192  10       683904         5147         1585        11327         3562           65   64   3 0.856          177           88           77           69          372            0            0              0            0
                 224  11      4904032        23202         1309        33471        21893          174  128   7 0.982          273           42          181           51          521            0            0              0            0
                 256  12       544768         2723          595         4900         2128          143   16   1 0.930          216           73          156           72          476            0            0              0            0
                 320  13      1141120         5447         1881         9021         3566           62   64   5 0.898          179           89           85           64          405            0            0              0            0
                 384  14       809088         2916          809         5660         2107           70   32   3 0.940          167           82           85           84          419            0            0              0            0
                 448  15      1299200         4182         1282         4345         2900           48   64   7 0.944          150           87           62           55          381            0            0              0            0
                 512  16       477184         1287          355         2059          932          125    8   1 0.932          192           79          141           76          522            0            0              0            0
                 640  17      1015680         8895         7308       100467         1587           57   32   5 0.870          363          267          112         1028          973            0            0              0            0
                 768  18       934656         1663          446         2353         1217           80   16   3 0.950          135           72           96           61          540            0            0              0            0
                 896  19       663936         1439          698         1792          741           25   32   7 0.926          155           94           41           66          456            0            0              0            0
                1024  20       486400         1705         1230         7090          475          145    4   1 0.818          370          174          241          510          919            0            0              0            0
                1280  21       737280         1154          578         3703          576           42   16   5 0.857          163           95           60           54          376            0            0              0            0
                1536  22       493056          534          213          913          321           44    8   3 0.911          106           83           67           48          295            0            0              0            0
                1792  23       338688          381          192          587          189           13   16   7 0.908           71           78           23           26          198            0            0              0            0
                2048  24       339968          348          182          418          166           86    2   1 0.965           83           79          162           41          434            0            0              0            0
                2560  25       343040          275          141          548          134           19    8   5 0.881           67           73           34           28          205            0            0              0            0
                3072  26       436224          311          169          428          142           42    4   3 0.845           75           80           68           44          265            0            0              0            0
                3584  27       182784          139           88          207           51            7    8   7 0.910           52           58           18            8          155            0            0              0            0
                4096  28       315392          222          145          326           77           77    1   1 1               60           58          222            0          501            0            0              0            0
                5120  29       250880          170          121          386           49           14    4   5 0.875           48           58           42           26          192            0            0              0            0
                6144  30       184320          184          154          350           30           19    2   3 0.789           41           53           80           37          303            0            1              0            0
                7168  31        35840           53           48          231            5            2    4   7 0.625           20           36           15            4          100            0            0              0            0
                8192  32       483328          178          119         1653           59           59    1   2 1               46           56          178            0          415            0            1              0            0
               10240  33       143360           86           72          511           14            8    2   5 0.875           31           42           40           10          161            0            1              0            0
               12288  34        61440           42           37          211            5            5    1   3 1               20           33           42            0          148            0            0              0            0
               14336  35        57344           28           24          173            4            3    2   7 0.666            8           21           13            4           68            0            0              0            0
large:          size ind    allocated      nmalloc      ndalloc    nrequests  curlextents
               16384  36      5259264          609          288          974          321
               20480  37        20480            5            4            5            1
               24576  38       122880           10            5           15            5
               28672  39        28672           13           12           13            1
               32768  40       524288           20            4           22           16
               40960  41        40960            3            2            3            1
               49152  42        49152            6            5            6            1
               57344  43            0            1            1            1            0
               65536  44            0            4            4            4            0
               81920  45       163840            2            0            2            2
               98304  46        98304            6            5            6            1
              131072  48      1703936           27           14           27           13
              196608  50       196608            5            4            5            1
              393216  54            0            4            4            4            0
              524288  56       524288            2            1            2            1
              786432  58       786432            3            2            3            1
             1048576  60     11534336           12            1           12           11
             1572864  62      1572864            2            1            2            1
--- End jemalloc statistics ---

retained: 0 looks good; I understand that to mean that no memory leak occurred for this simple test case.

I then ran a single HTTP request. Only one, to make it simple for now, then shut down the application server again to see what it would print.

Weird, no immediate sign of leaking actually! I then decided to let siege hammer the server for a while (it was bedtime anyway...) to see what I'd get out of that. I also enabled lg_prof_sample:0,prof_final:true, as mentioned on the jemalloc wiki. This made the process much slower to start, probably because the profiler incurred a significant performance penalty.

I left the machine on and then went to do some dishes. When I got back, the process was using a total of 13 GiB of virtual memory, with an RSS of around 6 GiB. Impressive! I looked at the stats again, which showed that there was a large number (3 863 073 allocations) of 128 byte blocks, and also a large number (15 550 835) of 16 KiB blocks. Since I had enabled prof_final:true, I had a .heap file that I could try and investigate now to see if it would give me some details... jemalloc includes a little tool called jeprof, which was mentioned on the wiki page previously mentioned. I tried it out to see if it could give me some indication as to where the main source of allocations was coming from. I suspected the Ruby built-in allocator, since it allocated memory in "pages" and I had a feeling that these pages were 16 KiB each.

$ jeprof --show_bytes `which ruby` jeprof.28824.0.f.heap
Using local file /Users/plundberg/ruby-2.4.1-dbg/bin/ruby.
Using local file jeprof.28824.0.f.heap.
Welcome to jeprof!  For help, type 'help'.
(jeprof) top
Total: 92707579 B
92707579 100.0% 100.0% 92707579 100.0% 0x0000000103799a8c
       0   0.0% 100.0%    98304   0.1% 0x000000010346c68f
       0   0.0% 100.0%   482184   0.5% 0x000000010346c6aa
       0   0.0% 100.0%  1299385   1.4% 0x000000010346c6b6
       0   0.0% 100.0% 30965952  33.4% 0x000000010346c6be
       0   0.0% 100.0%    44712   0.0% 0x000000010346c6f4
       0   0.0% 100.0%    83760   0.1% 0x000000010346c7be
       0   0.0% 100.0%      320   0.0% 0x000000010346c7d5
       0   0.0% 100.0%   769968   0.8% 0x000000010346c7fa
       0   0.0% 100.0%       80   0.0% 0x000000010346caa4

Interesting! One method doing all the allocations. Just like in Two Weeks, for whatever reason it didn't resolve the function addresses. I tried to fire up gdb, just to realize it wasn't installed on macOS by default... but lldb was.

I tried to use the image lookup --address 0x0000000103799a8c and image lookup -a 0x0000000103799a8c commands, to no avail; they didn't find any matching function. Annoying indeed. I felt that my lack of knowledge around macOS intricacies in this area was limiting me; I know much more about debugging on Linux/GNU systems, since that's what I've been doing quite a lot in the chaos project. So, either I could spend a bit of time here, learning new things (which is obviously a good thing...) or I can go with the "simpler" approach of instead trying to utilize the knowledge I already had.

Moving over to debugging in a Linux VM

Said and done, I decided to set up a Ubuntu-based Vagrant image for this. I already had a Vagrantfile for another app with similar characteristics, so it wasn't that much work to get it set up. Running it all in Ubuntu would make sense anyway, since the deployment environment is Ubuntu and it might be that the problem only manifests on Linux (well, I don't think so since we saw similar tendencies on macOS but still, it makes sense to try and reproduce a problem in the same kind of environment).

Of course, this meant I had to recompile jemalloc and ruby once more, but since I saved the commands here it wasn't that much work. :wink: (apart from making sure gcc, g++, libssl-dev, libpg-dev and make was installed...)

Then I had problems with jemalloc, refusing some of the options I passed to it:

<jemalloc>: Invalid conf pair: prof_leak:true
<jemalloc>: Invalid conf pair: prof:true
<jemalloc>: Invalid conf pair: lg_prof_sample:0
<jemalloc>: Invalid conf pair: prof_final:true

Recompiling jemalloc and Ruby didn't really help. I decided to wipe my ruby-2.4.1 folder and unpack the dist .tar.gz file again (I had mounted my macOS volume into the Vagrant VM, to make things simpler, but in reality it didn't...)

It turned out that the make install I did in the Ruby folder had cached the "bad" version of jemalloc (compiled without profiling enabled) in its lib/ folder... Once I removed those files, re-ran make install in jemalloc and ruby-2.4.1, profiling was back up and working. And even better; just running ruby -v would indicate a leak! (running with MALLOC_CONF set to prof_leak:true,narenas:1,stats_print:true,prof:true,lg_prof_sample:0,prof_final:true)

<jemalloc>: Leak approximation summary: ~889696 bytes, ~6033 objects, >= 5947 contexts
<jemalloc>: Run jeprof on "jeprof.31594.0.f.heap" for leak detail

Maybe this was a Linux-only issue after all? I was excited and couldn't wait to investigate the leak more in detail.

ubuntu@time:/vagrant$ jeprof `which ruby` jeprof.31594.0.f.heap
Using local file /home/ubuntu/ruby-2.4.1-dbg/bin/ruby.
Using local file jeprof.31594.0.f.heap.
Welcome to jeprof!  For help, type 'help'.
(jeprof) top
Total: 0.8 MB
     0.2  28.9%  28.9%      0.2  28.9% objspace_xmalloc0
     0.2  24.7%  53.5%      0.2  24.7% objspace_xcalloc
     0.2  22.1%  75.6%      0.2  22.1% aligned_malloc (inline)
     0.1   9.2%  84.9%      0.1   9.2% Init_Method
     0.1   9.2%  94.1%      0.1   9.2% std::__once_callable
     0.0   3.0%  97.1%      0.0   3.0% objspace_xrealloc.isra.72
     0.0   1.8%  98.9%      0.0   1.8% stack_chunk_alloc (inline)
     0.0   0.4%  99.4%      0.2  22.5% heap_page_allocate (inline)
     0.0   0.4%  99.8%      0.0   0.4% _nl_intern_locale_data
     0.0   0.1%  99.9%      0.0   0.1% __GI__IO_file_doallocate

Very interesting! objspace_xmalloc0, similar to Two Weeks but not exactly the same (it seemed to be a method that has been introduced since Ruby 2.2.3, when I looked briefly at the Ruby source code.)

Trouble with pthread_create because of a bad jemalloc version

So, this was seemingly the Ruby interpreter leaking memory when running ruby -v. However, it did also give a warning about pthread_create failing:

<main>: warning: pthread_create failed for timer: Invalid argument, scheduling broken

Could this be the cause and this again being a "false track", leading me nowhere...? I disabled the MALLOC_CONF but still got a warning from Ruby about pthread_create. I googled and found this SO thread but I was running this on a 64-bit VM so it shouldn't be the issue. I googled a bit more but couldn't find any obvious cause; I even ran the Ruby via ltrace to trace the library calls (but was mostly just saddened about the extreme number of memory allocations being made for a simple call to ruby -v :smile:)

I decided to recompile Ruby once more, from a clean source (since I had changed the jemalloc being used without doing a full recompile, or that's how I remembered it). I also wanted to install the full list of build dependencies for the Ubuntu package first, just to see if it would help to get rid of the warning:

ubuntu@time:/vagrant$ sudo apt-get install autotools-dev bison chrpath coreutils debhelper dh-autoreconf file libffi-dev libgdbm-dev libgmp-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libreadline6-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev netbase openssl procps systemtap-sdt-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev zlib1g-dev

It didn't help, the error persisted. I tried upgrading the Ubuntu version, to the latest Vagrant box (from 20170303.1.0 to 20170822.0.0), didn't help either.

This was the point when I started asking in the #ruby channel on IRC. I was out of ideas. I got some suggestions there, and I recompiled Ruby without jemalloc - which made the error go away! I recompiled with jemalloc again, and the error was back. So, something was obviously not working as it should with my jemalloc. I reported this to the jemalloc maintainers - changing to jemalloc 5.0.1 resulted in a binary that did not emit these phtread-related errors.

Finding the methods performing the majority of the allocations

The pthread_create issue was indeed gone, but the leak still remained. Running ruby -v with the previously mentioned MALLOC_CONF rules indicated that memory allocated by objspace_xmalloc0 was indeed not being returned as it should. I looked at the Ruby issue tracker and found bug #12954, which hinted that this might actually be "by design" and not related to my particular memory leak at all... So, leaving it for now; it feels odd but it's a tradeoff that the Ruby developers have taken. (I personally think it would have made more sense to use sbrk or mmap instead of malloc/free if you indeed do not intend to release all the memory you have been allocating, not even at shutdown... but I don't know; I haven't studied the background to this decision. It would have made this kind of debugging a lot harder, so in that sense I'm happy that they didn't do it like that. :wink:)

Anyway, time to run my own application again, and put it under siege. I was kind of tired of the whole debugging, hoping it would end soon... This was now Tuesday night, and I started deep-digging into this on Thursday the week before.

I first started the application server without performing any requests, just to see what jemalloc would report. It took a long time just to start it, since I enabled a lot of the profiling flags in MALLOC_CONF again. It would actually get killed before it even got started!

ubuntu@time:/vagrant$ MALLOC_CONF='prof_leak:true,narenas:1,stats_print:true,prof:true,lg_prof_sample:0,prof_final:true' bundle exec uxfactory

I strongly suspect that the fact that the VirtualBox VM was only allocated 1 GiB was the problem here. I tried to use less aggressive profiling flags instead:

ubuntu@time:/vagrant$ MALLOC_CONF='prof_leak:true,prof_final:true,narenas:1,stats_print:true' bundle exec uxfactory

jemalloc indicated a leak this time also, and looking at the top stats was interesting. What are those aligned_malloc calls, for example?

ubuntu@time:/vagrant$ jeprof `which ruby` jeprof.30872.0.f.heap
Using local file /home/ubuntu/ruby-2.4.1-dbg/bin/ruby.
Using local file jeprof.30872.0.f.heap.
Welcome to jeprof!  For help, type 'help'.
(jeprof) top
Total: 116.6 MB
    77.3  66.2%  66.2%     77.3  66.2% objspace_xmalloc0
    21.8  18.7%  85.0%     21.8  18.7% aligned_malloc (inline)
    13.5  11.6%  96.6%     13.5  11.6% objspace_xcalloc
     2.5   2.1%  98.7%      2.5   2.1% objspace_xrealloc.isra.72
     1.0   0.9%  99.6%     22.8  19.6% heap_page_allocate (inline)
     0.5   0.4% 100.0%      0.5   0.4% add_bitset (inline)
     0.0   0.0% 100.0%      0.5   0.4% Init_nokogiri
     0.0   0.0% 100.0%      0.5   0.4% Init_openssl
     0.0   0.0% 100.0%      0.5   0.4% Init_ossl_engine
     0.0   0.0% 100.0%     73.4  62.9% __clone

jeprof has a nice option to generate a PDF or a GIF image, which shows the call graphs for these allocations. Here is what it looks like (use "View image" in your browser if the image is too small to be readable, it can sometimes let you zoom in a bit):

Call graph for final profiling of application

Apparently, the calls to aligned_malloc all had their roots in newobj_slowpath. So, the conclusion is that the top 4-5 methods here doing the allocations all come from the Ruby VM. I still had the feeling I was looking for a needle in a haystack... It had to be there, somewhere.

I re-ran the server with 1000 requests again, since I forgot to take out the stats_print output. Here it is:

<jemalloc>: Leak approximation summary: ~83084117 bytes, ~309 objects, >= 100 contexts
<jemalloc>: Run jeprof on "jeprof.6492.0.f.heap" for leak detail
___ Begin jemalloc statistics ___
Version: 5.0.1-0-g896ed3a8b3f41998d4fb4d625d30ac63ef2d51fb
Assertions enabled
config.malloc_conf: ""
Run-time option settings:
  opt.abort: true
  opt.abort_conf: true
  opt.retain: true
  opt.dss: "secondary"
  opt.narenas: 1
  opt.percpu_arena: "disabled"
  opt.background_thread: false (background_thread: false)
  opt.dirty_decay_ms: 10000 (arenas.dirty_decay_ms: 10000)
  opt.muzzy_decay_ms: 10000 (arenas.muzzy_decay_ms: 10000)
  opt.junk: "true" false
  opt.tcache: true
  opt.lg_tcache_max: 15 true
  opt.prof_prefix: "jeprof"
  opt.prof_active: true ( true)
  opt.prof_thread_active_init: true (prof.thread_active_init: true)
  opt.lg_prof_sample: 19 (prof.lg_sample: 19)
  opt.prof_accum: false
  opt.lg_prof_interval: -1
  opt.prof_gdump: false
  opt.prof_final: true
  opt.prof_leak: true
  opt.stats_print: true
  opt.stats_print_opts: ""
Arenas: 1
Quantum size: 16
Page size: 4096
Maximum thread-cached size class: 32768
Allocated: 92656168, active: 112623616, metadata: 9309512, resident: 188674048, mapped: 192122880, retained: 2291953664
                           n_lock_ops       n_waiting      n_spin_acq  n_owner_switch   total_wait_ns     max_wait_ns  max_n_thds
background_thread:                  4               0               0               1               0               0           0
ctl:                                2               0               0               1               0               0           0
prof:                          213249               0               0           36993               0               0           0

assigned threads: 1
uptime: 27711768648555
dss allocation precedence: secondary
decaying:  time       npages       sweeps     madvises       purged
   dirty: 10000        16337         3265       267474      2941747
   muzzy: 10000            0            0            0            0
                            allocated      nmalloc      ndalloc    nrequests
small:                       31519272     82487981     82209113    135693660
large:                       61136896       354585       353342       354585
total:                       92656168     82842566     82562455    136048245
active:                     112623616
mapped:                     192122880
retained:                  2291953664
base:                         9126400
internal:                      183112
tcache:                        341920
resident:                   188674048
                           n_lock_ops       n_waiting      n_spin_acq  n_owner_switch   total_wait_ns     max_wait_ns  max_n_thds
large:                          32651               0               0            3092               0               0           0
extent_avail:                 1163820               2               2           49767               0               0           1
extents_dirty:                3142989              13              50           99960               0               0           1
extents_muzzy:                  12691               0               0            6569               0               0           0
extents_retained:              550188               0               0            8298               0               0           0
decay_dirty:                    90112               0               0            6196               0               0           0
decay_muzzy:                    85811               0               0            6196               0               0           0
base:                           19633               0               1            1356               0               0           0
tcache_list:                      178               3               1             123        20000000         8000000           2
bins:           size ind    allocated      nmalloc      ndalloc    nrequests      curregs     curslabs regs pgs  util       nfills     nflushes     newslabs      reslabs   n_lock_ops    n_waiting   n_spin_acq  total_wait_ns  max_wait_ns
                   8   0       195736        42101        17634        51640        24467           50  512   1 0.955         4539         3456           52         3517         8314            0            0              0            0
                  16   1       300912        55543        36736       204114        18807           78  256   1 0.941        16722         6416           81         5537        23312            2            0        8000000      8000000
                  32   2      1434816     19014057     18969219     23278862        44838          427  128   1 0.820      1195772       194841        86465       160738      1563218            2            1              0            0
                  48   3      2482704      6643606      6591883      8303478        51723          319  256   3 0.633       295211        71322         6847        71802       379998            0            0              0            0
                  64   4      1663424     27541809     27515818     50577959        25991         1029   64   1 0.394      1927193       435330       308738       313492      2979060            0            1              0            0
                  80   5      1452320      3842845      3824691      5375456        18154          105  256   5 0.675       280513        43820         3398        46423       331114            0            2              0            0
                  96   6      2147232     12436097     12413730     26804404        22367          313  128   3 0.558       730118       129348        52820       122703       964883            1            0              0            0
                 112   7       784560       722481       715476       795391         7005           38  256   7 0.720        48417        17587          235        16989        66526            0            0              0            0
                 128   8       737536       835301       829539      1308530         5762          246   32   1 0.731       103744        32016         5750        66445       302932            0            0              0            0
                 160   9      2294560      1323433      1309092      1689760        14341          147  128   5 0.762        89234        21159         1954        38511       114244            0            1              0            0
                 192  10       731520      5349091      5345281     11422492         3810          114   64   3 0.522       421805        88953        51781        71914       614299            0            2              0            0
                 224  11      4910528       100455        78533       102126        21922          178  128   7 0.962        17484        11997          184        17822        29769            0            1              0            0
                 256  12       532480         4355         2275         9741         2080          138   16   1 0.942         1567         1491          150         1709         3334            0            0              0            0
                 320  13      1396480       237483       233119       246338         4364          118   64   5 0.577        40685         9644          320        15525        56803            0            0              0            0
                 384  14      1465728      3983738      3979921      4947491         3817          393   32   3 0.303       343354       129444        77859       103783       628615            0            0              0            0
                 448  15      1290688        44620        41739        46691         2881           52   64   7 0.865        17249         6413           68         4018        31177            0            1              0            0
                 512  16       462848        13132        12228        18149          904          123    8   1 0.918         2557         2559          758         5003         6680            0            1              0            0
                 640  17       986240        18852        17311       120663         1541           56   32   5 0.859         3579         2811          212         3277         7565            0            0              0            0
                 768  18       919296        64137        62940        72730         1197           79   16   3 0.946         4707         4744          102         5863       118244            0            0              0            0
                 896  19       544768         7265         6657         7397          608           21   32   7 0.904          125          180           27         1039        12408            0            0              0            0
                1024  20       463872        16008        15555        30525          453          146    4   1 0.775         7568         6457          291        12986        14801            0            0              0            0
                1280  21       794880        66259        65638        85300          621           57   16   5 0.680        23326         9109         1169        14047        34993            0            0              0            0
                1536  22       489984         7745         7426         5767          319           45    8   3 0.886         3109         3811          212         2799         7389            0            0              0            0
                1792  23       336896         4086         3898         4246          188           13   16   7 0.903         2481         3074           29          853         5690            0            0              0            0
                2048  24       342016        20391        20224        24607          167           90    2   1 0.927         9681         6317         6406         9277        28971            0            0              0            0
                2560  25       371200        23065        22920        31953          145           25    8   5 0.725         9960         8095          662         8805        19444            0            0              0            0
                3072  26       384000         4254         4129         2924          125           36    4   3 0.868         1926         2441          529         2256         5479            0            0              0            0
                3584  27       189952         3486         3433         3935           53            8    8   7 0.828         2470         2975           76           71         5679            0            0              0            0
                4096  28       245760         7238         7178        25144           60           60    1   1 1             4028         3345         7238            0        21890            0            0              0            0
                5120  29       225280         1718         1674        42085           44           14    4   5 0.785         1329         1453           98         1246         3054            0            1              0            0
                6144  30       172032         2957         2929         7795           28           16    2   3 0.875         2584         2724          704         1415         6790            0            0              0            0
                7168  31        35840         1960         1955         1506            5            2    4   7 0.625         1223         1679          320          752         3630            0            0              0            0
                8192  32       475136         2873         2815         4116           58           58    1   2 1             2512         2640         2873            0        10938            0            0              0            0
               10240  33       163840        25552        25536        24500           16           11    2   5 0.727        12386         5363        11011         4534        39850            0            0              0            0
               12288  34        36864        17004        17001        13664            3            3    1   3 1             5602         6158        17004            0        45855            0            0              0            0
               14336  35        57344         2984         2980         2181            4            3    2   7 0.666         1610         2114         1008         1307         5827            0            0              0            0
large:          size ind    allocated      nmalloc      ndalloc    nrequests  curlextents
               16384  36     19300352       208784       207606       219052         1178
               20480  37        20480         4949         4948         5133            1
               24576  38        98304         5023         5019         5182            4
               28672  39        28672          222          221          222            1
               32768  40       131072          166          162          167            4
               40960  41        40960          402          401          402            1
               49152  42        49152          376          375          376            1
               57344  43            0          236          236          236            0
               65536  44            0        47738        47738        47738            0
               81920  45       245760         2405         2402         2405            3
               98304  46            0         2299         2299         2299            0
              114688  47            0          543          543          543            0
              131072  48      1441792        10448        10437        10448           11
              163840  49            0         2878         2878         2878            0
              196608  50       196608         2797         2796         2797            1
              229376  51            0         1649         1649         1649            0
              262144  52            0          891          891          891            0
              327680  53            0         1884         1884         1884            0
              393216  54            0         4791         4791         4791            0
              458752  55            0         1228         1228         1228            0
              524288  56       524288         1289         1288         1289            1
              655360  57            0         2487         2487         2487            0
              786432  58       786432         4971         4970         4971            1
              917504  59            0         2595         2595         2595            0
             1048576  60     36700160         2512         2477         2512           35
             1310720  61            0         4715         4715         4715            0
             1572864  62      1572864         5845         5844         5845            1
             1835008  63            0         4232         4232         4232            0
             2097152  64            0         4413         4413         4413            0
             2621440  65            0         8320         8320         8320            0
             3145728  66            0         8172         8172         8172            0
             3670016  67            0         2825         2825         2825            0
             6291456  70            0         1250         1250         1250            0
             7340032  71            0         1250         1250         1250            0
--- End jemalloc statistics ---

Nothing spectactular about that. The 16 KiB blocks are as previously mentioned Ruby pages, used by its internal GC-managed allocator. I decided to look again into profiling on the Ruby side, which was pretty much where I started originally.

Getting rid of bson_ext

I was thinking about profiling the Ruby side of the app, with ruby-prof. Asked again my new-found friends in #ruby if they had some experience with memory leak debugging; they started asking is this really a leak? (good question!). We talked about it, but I didn't get any immediate ideas. I talked to a colleague, and I decided to try a new track: reverting some of the recent changes in Gemfile.lock. A problem I had here was that I didn't really have any "before" figures to talk about, but these things were known:

I did not want to revert it back to JRuby, it at all possible; it doesn't have any Java dependencies and should theoretically be a well-behaved Ruby citizen.

I decided to test one thing: getting rid of bson_ext. It was one of the things I added a few weeks ago, which should improve performance. Could it be the source of the leak? I removed it and restarted the service. Didn't seem to make that big a difference unfortunately...

bson_ext removed, still seems to gradually increase

It wasn't entirely clear, but it seemed to still slowly but steadily increase. (At this point, I pretty much felt like throwing the machine out the window; it wasn't really fun anymore. But I am a pretty stubborn person, so I did not want to give up just yet; I could just de-emphasize the debugging for a while, and resume it tomorrow or next week or something.)

The process was now using about 1 GiB of RSS memory. Here are the GC stats:

  "count": 1745,
  "heap_allocated_pages": 1733,
  "heap_sorted_length": 2244,
  "heap_allocatable_pages": 0,
  "heap_available_slots": 706368,
  "heap_live_slots": 618531,
  "heap_free_slots": 87837,
  "heap_final_slots": 0,
  "heap_marked_slots": 254749,
  "heap_eden_pages": 1733,
  "heap_tomb_pages": 0,
  "total_allocated_pages": 3097,
  "total_freed_pages": 1364,
  "total_allocated_objects": 224477545,
  "total_freed_objects": 223859014,
  "malloc_increase_bytes": 7648184,
  "malloc_increase_bytes_limit": 33554432,
  "minor_gc_count": 1590,
  "major_gc_count": 155,
  "remembered_wb_unprotected_objects": 1376,
  "remembered_wb_unprotected_objects_limit": 2596,
  "old_objects": 229624,
  "old_objects_limit": 432048,
  "oldmalloc_increase_bytes": 8502640,
  "oldmalloc_increase_bytes_limit": 87891137

One question that was posed in #ruby was "does it actually run the major GCs?". The data above shows: yes, the major GC runs have been performed 155 times (10 times less than the minor GCs, at 1590.)

Continuing the search on the Ruby side of the fence

I was hoping to be able to pause the debugging for a while (because of lack of motivation, and the problem being quite non-critical in terms of urgency - other more important things to focus on), but after just a few hours I got an email from the CloudWatch monitoring again, saying that the machine was up to 70% memory usage again... The GC stats now looked like this:

  "count": 2506,
  "heap_allocated_pages": 1665,
  "heap_sorted_length": 3456,
  "heap_allocatable_pages": 0,
  "heap_available_slots": 678642,
  "heap_live_slots": 624120,
  "heap_free_slots": 54522,
  "heap_final_slots": 0,
  "heap_marked_slots": 448772,
  "heap_eden_pages": 1665,
  "heap_tomb_pages": 0,
  "total_allocated_pages": 6420,
  "total_freed_pages": 4755,
  "total_allocated_objects": 317085366,
  "total_freed_objects": 316461246,
  "malloc_increase_bytes": 755040,
  "malloc_increase_bytes_limit": 33554432,
  "minor_gc_count": 2288,
  "major_gc_count": 218,
  "remembered_wb_unprotected_objects": 1365,
  "remembered_wb_unprotected_objects_limit": 2596,
  "old_objects": 429950,
  "old_objects_limit": 446732,
  "oldmalloc_increase_bytes": 28834312,
  "oldmalloc_increase_bytes_limit": 94102940

As can be seen, old_objects was up with 200 000 objects in just a few hours. Something seemed to be leaking on the Ruby side, indeed. But hey, didn't my earlier graph indicate the contrary, that the number of old_objects was more or less constant? It could be that my isolated tests hadn't managed to fully reproduce the problem...

I had previously tried with VCR/Webmock, but it seemed to leak so much memory in itself that it wasn't really of any help in this case. However, I had an idea: what if I'd proxy the Trello responses via an auto-replying web proxy instead? That way, I can avoid hammering the Trello API with requests, but still get a test scenario which is more similar to the "real world" production use case. Said and done, I configured my application server like this:

$ http_proxy='' bundle exec uxfactory

...and tweaked my app to disable SSL certificate verification (do not do this unless you understand the consequences very well):


I then configured Fiddler to auto-respond to these URLs:

Fiddler auto-responder

That way, I could run these specific API endpoints without using up all our Trello API quota. Great! Once again, Erik Lawrence's tool turned out to be an absolutely invaluable thing.

(Oh, and by the way, don't spend time trying to impersonate me; these Trello URLs require OAuth authentication anyway. :smile:)

Now, let's hammer the server with these specific URLs; we already know (or well, believe) that the other MongoDB-only URLs do not leak memory on the Ruby side.

$ siege -v -c5 -f urls.txt

It didn't work very well; it was slow and didn't really run very many requests per second. It was up to 100 megabytes or so after maybe a few hundred hits, but the sample was too small to be able to prove anything. I felt like it should continue to run for a while, but I didn't want this to sit and eat up my valuable CPU resources etc, so I was considering (and started) setting up on another machine. It would be a bit of work though, especially since I normally run Fiddler on Windows (can probably work in Mono but still, it and a lof of other things have to be set up to get the app running.)

It didn't seem like an optimal path forward.

I decided to once more restart the production service, since the machine was already at 70% memory usage. Then I enabled ObjectSpace tracing again. I waited until it got up to 60-70% next time before continuing.

The RSS was now 1267 megabytes. old_objects was up to 430356. I generated new heap dump, and looked at it with heapy, but it seemed fishy so I filed an issue about it. It was Friday night and I didn't really have time to dig deeper into it, so I just restarted it once more... (Actually, I rebooted the whole server since it was pending some Ubuntu updates as well.) Hopefully that would be enough to keep it quiet during the weekend, and then I'll pick up the digging on Monday (again...)

Trying with Ruby 2.5.0-dev

As already mentioned, I was quite tired of the whole thing by now, but I had some ideas left:

The production server is running on Docker and traffic is reverse-proxied via an nginx server, so diverting the traffic for this particular app to another Ruby runtime version would be quite simple. I just have to start a new container based on the existing one, exposing a different port, and in that container compile the Ruby runtime of choice (in this case, the container has gcc and similar tools installed, which is bad from a security standpoint but for cases like this, it happens to be convenient...).

So I did just that:

$ sudo docker commit 29ec961c7ddf temp-image
$ sudo docker run -p 12345 temp-image

...and compiled Ruby 2.5.0-dev, ran bundle install etc. so I could boot the service. (Technically, it was a bit more complex than this because of how the container was structured, but allow me to simplify things a bit to make the story flow better.)

I set the nginx config to use the new host port, and detached the screen I was ad-hoc-running the service in temporarily. Now all I had to do was wait, again...

Next morning, the RSS size was around 690 MiB and heap_allocated_pages was 1919, with old_objects 574988. I waited a bit more to see if it would continue growing.

The next day, right when I woke up, I had an idea: how about googling for "ruby 2.4.1 memory leak"? Said and done, I did just that and found rest-client/rest-client#611, which pointed at Bug #13772: Memory leak recycling stacks for threads in 2.4.1. Interesting!

This was quite well-aligned with what I was seeing in the memory usage graphs for the server now, when running with 2.5.0-dev (where the MRI bug is fixed), but I still felt that the data was a bit inconclusive so I decided to give it at least one more full day before any further action (which would be downgrading to 2.3.4 in this case). I ended up running it for a few days. This is what the graph looked like:

CloudWatch graphs, indicating that the leak is now resolved

The six left-most parts of the graph are before I bumped the Ruby version to 2.5.0-dev. Do you see how it differs from the right-most part? Instead of going steadily upward over time, the memory usage tends to be more or less constant. It is reasonable to assume that the root cause of the leak has been found.

If you read all of this, you remember me mentioning bson_ext as a potential source of leakage. I don't think it is, not until proven otherwise, so I will probably put it back into my Gemfile shortly after this. CloudWatch will email me if it turns out to be an incorrect assumption. :smile:

I ended up downgrading to Ruby 2.3.4 for now, but I also asked the Ruby maintainers to release a 2.4.2 version if possible. Actually, when graphing the memory usage over time, I am not 100% sure that all leaks are gone yet (memory usage still seems to increase a bit over time), but at least this very real bug has been fixed, which is good... Time will tell, and the automated monitoring emails I get will show whether we have something more that remains to be investigated or not.

Update: Ruby 2.4.2 was released shortly after this, which fixes the acknowledged leak. Thanks for this, Ruby core team!


Call graph for final profiling of application

I highlighted (in red) the exact same method that is mentioned in Bug #13772: Memory leak recycling stacks for threads in 2.4.1. When I generated that graph, I was looking for something else, but isn't it interesting how "obvious" it is now when we know for a fact that this was indeed the source of the leak? :smile: The next time I see something like this, it will be easier to interpret the graphs I think.

Anyway, I hope we have all learned a bit about this subject now; I have definitely learned new things myself. The tools that Sam Saffron mention in bug #13722 (heaptrack and massif-visualizer) are also probably pretty useful when dealing with these kind of more "weird" memory leaks. And jemalloc is a great starting tool for getting into debugging memory profiling in C-based codebases. Peace!